Travel Demand Modeling
LLG staff are recognized experts and provide technical support for a variety of projects that include Travel Demand Model development and application (Four-Step, Active Transportation Model and Activity-Based Models), travel behavior survey and evaluation, data visualization, future traffic volumes forecasts, select zone and link analysis, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and average trip length (ATL) analyses, transit and highway corridor assessments, location-based analytics, assessment of transit and shared mobility systems, transportation market research, Connected /Autonomous Vehicles planning and modeling analyses, and network development assignments. Additionally, LLG provides support for travel model applications for Long-Range Regional plans, transit system implementation and analysis, corridor studies, air quality conformity analysis, and major highway and transit studies. LLG is proficient in the following travel demand models:
- Southern California Association of Governments Regional Travel Demand Model (SCAG RTDM)
- San Bernardino Transportation Analysis Model (SBTAM)
- Riverside Transportation Analysis Model (RivCOM)
- Orange County Transportation Analysis Model (OCTAM)