Transportation Safety
LLG emphasizes safety in our planning and engineering solutions for the traveling public. We provide transportation safety consulting services that involve the assessment of access and circulation through a holistic approach to provide safe, equitable, and efficient mobility solutions. Our holistic approach entails a firm understanding of the different user groups such as pedestrians of all ages and abilities, micromobility (e.g., bicyclists, scooterists, skateboarders, etc.), and vehicles. This lays the groundwork to ensure that our assessments have all potential users in mind. We then leverage the data available and apply the Safe System approach to provide recommendations that enhance roadway safety. Several members of the LLG team are certified Road Safety Professionals and/or certified Traffic/Civil engineers with experience in safety projects from grant writing to construction management to on-going operations/maintenance, which helps address any potential project issues from planning to engineering/design, to implementation and beyond.
Transportation Safety:
- Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSPs)
- Road Review/Audits
- Safe Routes to School
- Active Transportation Safety
- Pedestrian/Bicycle Mobility Safety
- Comprehensive Complete Streets Assessment
- Grant Writing
- Advisory Curve Speed Assessments
- Speed Limit (E&TS)
- Pedestrian Master Plans
- Bike Master Plans